Most famouse festivals and Fiestas in Spain
Spanish festivals is one of the most popular things of Spain, in addition to its culture and cuisine
There are thousands of traditional festivals, all the towns and cities celebrate their big days. Some of the Spanish festivals are more internationally known, but surely in each of the popular festivals in Spain you will have a lot of fun.
List with TOP popular festivals in Spain
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TOP Spanish fiestas video
- Carnaval
- Fallas
- Semana Santa
- Feria de Abril
- San Juan
- Sanfermines
- La tomatina
- La fiesta del Pilar
More information about some of the most important festivals in Spain
Los Sanfermines
The Sanfermines is possibly the most famous festival in Spain. It's celebrated in Pamplona from July 7 to 14, in honor of San Fermin
San jorge, Sant Jordi
San Jorge (George) is celebrated on June 23, is celebrated especially in Catalonia where it is the day of lovers. In addition it is also the international day of the book
Christmas in spain
Discover how Christmas is celebrated in Spain. Learn Spanish culture and vocabulary
Las fallas
Fallas festival, from Valencia, is an original party where the protagonist are fire, noise, and of course the'fallas'. They are celebrated every year from March 15 to 19 in honor of San José
Semana Santa, Holy weel in Spain
Holy Week is celebrated throughout Spain but Seville's Holy Week is especially popular Holy Week does not have fixed dates, it begins the Sunday following the first full moon of the spring equinox, oscillating between March 22 and April 25.
Fiestas of Spain for months. Spanish festivals calendar
Fiestas / festivals in January
Fiestas / festivals in february
- Carnaval. (variable dates)
Spanish Fiestas / festivals in March
- Fiestas de la magdalena, Castellón. (variable dates)
- Fallas, Valencia. 15 to 19 march
- Semana Santa. celebrated in all cities in Spain (variable dates)
Spanish festivals in April
- Semana Santa, celebrated in all cities in Spain. (variable dates)
- Feria de Abril, Sevilla.
- San Jorge. Cataluña, Cáceres, 23 de abril
- Fiestas de Moros y cristianos. Alcoy, Bañeres de Mariola (Alicante)
- Batalla de las flores, Córdoba
Spanish Fiestas / festivals in May
- Feria del caballo, Jerez de la frontera
- Festival de los patios cordobeses. Feria de Córdoba
- Feria de San Isidro, Madrid
Spanish Fiestas in June
- Hogueras de San Juan, Alicante
- Noche de San Juan, toda España
- Batalla del vino. Haro, la Rioja
Spanish Fiestas in July
- Vaquillas, Teruel
- Fiesta san fermin, sanfermines. Pamplona, Navarra. Del 7 al 14 de Julio
- Fiesta Santiago apostol, Santiago de compostela.
- Moros y cristianos. Villajoyosa, Orihuela…(Alicante)
Spanish Fiestas / festivals in August
- Descenso internacional del Sella (Asturias)
- Romería vikinga, Catoira (Pontevedra)
- El misterio de Elche (Alicante)
- Verbena de la Paloma, Madrid
- Fiestas de san Lorenzo, Huesca
- Semana grande de San Sebastian
- Semana grande de Bilbao
- Feria de Málaga
- Feria de Almería
- El cipotegato, Tarragona
- La tomatina de Buñol (Valencia)
- Fiesta de la sidra (Gijón)
Spanish Fiestas in September
- Feria de Valladolid
- Feria de Salamanca
- Feria de Albacete
- Fiestas de la vendimia riojana, Logroño
- Fiestas de la mare de deu de la salut, Algemesí. (Valencia)
- La Merçe, Barcelona
- Fiestas Catagineses y romanos, Cartagena (Murcia)
Spanish festivals in October
- Fiestas del Pilar, Zaragoza
Spanish festivals in November
Spanish festivals in December
- Navidad
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